Friday, February 13, 2009

Domestic Violence

I woke up with bewilderment of the dream i had moments ago. It seems so real till my emotions were high at stake and tears gushing down my pale cheeks. The dream was like nothing I wished for(read my tag)...convincingly i felt the taste of salt on my lips..and so its true i've fallen for another dreadful dream. I struggled to sit up on the blue flowered bed sheet but my legs wouldn't even budge. I strained my eyes to adjust to the light my Nokia 5200 was illuminating, it was 7.50 am. Sigh! I barely slept an hour ago...I'm thinking of getting professional help on my own before I start to loose my self.

On Wednesday afternoon, I received the anticipated call. Ms.Chandrika, the HR lady confirmed my job placement at the Teledirect Telecommerce. I will be starting on Monday at Plaza Central for a week of intensive training. I have yet to know whether Hesh got it as well (i hope he did or I'll be guilty stricken). Somewhat The news made feel exhilarated as I'm not only looking forward to the experience but a better social life and freedom for few months. I am deeply deprived of all that life has to offer in the past few months due to the lack of communication with people and mundane phases of life.

Well lets come to the post's title; Domestic Violence. Rihanna was supposed to be here entertaining thousands of her fans on the eve of V-day...but she didn't make it due to the fact that she has fallen to be a victim of violence to her much beloved boyfriend; CB. A week before this news spilled out, I read in the Msn Entertainment Site that Rihanna is very much obsessed with CB and cant stand from being of his sight. Less then two weeks, the same Rihanna (ironically: now believed to have suffered a bloody nose, facial bruising and a split lip) has reportedly told police she was in an 'ongoing and escalating abusive relationship' with Chris Brown. Read more on

Lets take CB and her as normal people without any tribute to their fame and success in the music industry. If that's the case, this wouldn't be a major news for many as it tolls up to another domestic violence case in the world. What anyone would least expect is a major artist have been victimised amidst the kind of songs she has released so far(which shows she is tough and wouldn care less ex:take a bow) The bitter fact is that what seems to be convincing to our eyes isn't necessarily the truth we would want to believe.

One thing i am certain is DV can happen to anybody and its best to be aware of the warning signs and examples of abuse includes:

  • name-calling or put downs
  • keeping a partner from contacting their family or friends
  • withholding money
  • stopping a partner from getting or keeping a job
  • actual or threatened physical harm (hitting, pushing, shoving, etc)
  • sexual assault
  • stalking
  • intimidation

AND if you think you don't understand what DV stands for, here's a definition of it:(

Domestic violence and emotional abuse are behaviors used by one person in a relationship to control the other. Partners may be married or not married; heterosexual, gay, or lesbian; living together, separated or dating.

So lets hope Rihanna who is going to turn twenty one this Feb 20th, finds her way out of her miserable relationship. For those of you out there who are being abused or know someone who is abused, grab the bull by the horns:

REMEMBER: You are not alone, it is not your fault and HELP is available!!!

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter-Martin Luther King, Jr.

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